Weight Loss Tips

A quick guide to weight loss

Quick-fix diets are never the solution to sustainable weight loss. CHOICE Magazine gives you healthy tips to help you lose weight.

Tips for sustainable weight loss

Coming to grips with your own body and making the best of what you’ve got is a safer bet than yet another failed diet. But if you do choose to diet, give the pills and potions a miss and follow our diet tips.

  • Aim to lose weight slowly — lose more than a kilo a week and you’re probably losing water and muscle, not fat.
  • Set achievable goals — if you’ve got a lot to lose set smaller goals along the way, such as seeing a reduction in your blood pressure, or buying just one new item of clothing when you’re partway to your goal weight.
  • Opt for a healthier lifestyle — eating lots of fruit and vegetables and taking regular exercise, rather than punishing yourself with a strict diet.
  • Don’t aim for unachievable body-shape goals. Pear-shaped people who lose weight usually become smaller pears. A supermodel’s body lurks inside very, very, very few people, no matter how much weight they lose.
  • Focus on where you can cut the fat in your diet — do you spread too much on your bread; eat lots of fried snacks; not cut the fat off your meat? Small changes are easier to stick to.
  • Fill up on fruit, veges, cereals and bread — just don’t add fatty toppings or spreads.
  • Try to listen to your body — are you really hungry or just bored or sad? Maybe you can do something enjoyable other than eat — or just get active round the house or garden to take your mind off it.
  • Don’t talk yourself into a ‘healthy food tastes boring’ frame of mind. Experiment with healthy choices to find out what you like.
  • Exercise is the most important thing you can do — find time for yourself each day to be more active.
  • Become acquainted with food labels — hidden fats and sugars may be lurking in your favourite foods.
  • Don’t be taken in by fast-talking sales pitches, secret ingredients or wonder foods. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

This article is referenced from CHOICE On-Line Find out more about healthy eating.

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About the author

Bradley Wilson is the Managing Director of the AOK Health Group, established in 1994. The AOK Group is comprised of 3 companies which specialise in the design, manufacture and distribution of health and rehabilitation products, education and services worldwide. Bradley has not just fostered good products but also good business, winning the awards including 2008 Exporter of the Year, 2003 Fastest Growing Hunter Wholesaler and in 2004 Trainer of the Year in Logistics. In 2004, 2006 & 2008 Bradley was elected as a Director of the Hunter Business Chamber by the 1000 member companies of that organisation. He is Senior Vice President, Chair of the Executive, Audit, Business Development and Education Committees. In 2005 fellow board members elected him as a Councillor of NSW Business Chamber (previously Australian Business Ltd) - one of Australia’s largest business lobby groups. Bradley was a Councillor for 3 years. Respected enough to work with other prominent industry professionals throughout the world, he has developed a business model that allows his customers the advantage of the world’s best product and technological information unchallenged by their competitors.

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